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AlexSVW 9 months ago 33 15
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Final boss
Allright Diggis, minor spoiler : My wife pushes hard for this scent. I would almost say it's her favorite scent on me. Not necessarily the scent that makes you weak at the knees and triggers boundless desire, but it rather stands for security, trust and attractiveness. I think this fragrance secretly reflects the image of the "perfect man" for my wife...true love baby...
But now we need to talk about this masterpiece!!!!

I had the Amyris EDT before and was really impressed, the freshness and sweetness in combination was a dream. I had no problem with the performance or the fragrance profile, but like a little junkie I was eager to top it all off... I wanted more depth, more charisma and a bigger kick just more more more more....
And the fact is: the extrait fulfilled my expectations 100 percent - it fulfilled me!
It is simple yet complex, transparent and apparently fleeting but still present and the bubble that surrounds me is long-lasting and beautiful. The extrait has a lot of volume and allows the individual accords to come into their own. Definitely an upgrade for me.

The fragrance starts citrusy with a wonderful, sweet mandarin. As soon as you spray it on, it has sweet vibes that harmonize perfectly with the citrus. Imagine a cake with fresh mandarins on it... This style... It stays fresh but becomes sweeter, not sticky or dominantly sweet, but perfectly balanced.
It easily stays on my skin for 8 hours and exudes neat but not over the top.
This also makes it versatile: it's fresh enough for spring and summer and sweet enough for winter and fall. It is stylish and serious enough for a wedding and at the same time casual (is that how you spell it?!?) enough for the office... Diggis for me THE perfect all-rounder.

It's one of the fragrances in my collection that I never want to do without and I'm sure I'll buy it again as soon as my bottle is empty.
A definite recommendation to buy from me.

Thank you for reading

AlexSVW 3 years ago 14
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The Hamburg summer weather is today abfuck of horror :Rainy and gray... It's no fun... Can't go out... The kids are stressing... Gloomy mood. What helps? I often pop a scent on the back of my hand and sniff it to evoke memories or make associations...think nice thoughts....
Today it's Prada L Homme L eau. What a hell of a scent. I had him 2Years ago once as a sample and could not do anything with it. When I sometime began to buy fragrances like so n maniac, also landed the OG Prada L Homme in my collection. A dream fragrance really stylish ... I think the enjoyment and appreciation of the OG also gave me the right access to the L Homme L Eau(Shout out to the Souk Dealer who sold it to me) .

It's funny because the two scents are mega similar but yet so different. The Prada L Homme l eau is - as often mentioned - the summer version of the Prada L Homme. For me, the biggest and most striking difference is the ginger note. It's not a spicy ginger, but nauseatingly smooth and creamy. It gives off a certain sweetness, but it's not dominant, it's dead relaxed and balanced. The harmonious combo of ginger and iris.... Digggaaa dreamy... Didn't think it would be so gymnastic.
Wear it more often than the OG now because it gives me more summer feelings and therefore often because I just need those feelings in this weather.... :)
AlexSVW 3 years ago 12 2
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Versace pour relaxed


My head explodes... I plunge into the water and notice the tingling of salt on my skin.... Silence again... I am weak...
Pull myself together bundle my last reserves of strength and swim to the island whose contours I have already discovered from afar
.. Silence...
I strand....
I die of thirst and starvation....
I must AA....
I smell this blossom.... of the pomeranze citrus aurantium and in combination with the woods on the beach, my wet skin, soaked by the cool, salty sea water.... Silence.... I fart(I told you I had to AA).... Silence.... I drift.... And think of Versace pour Homme....

I now expect 382777 trophies and many Love comments for this intentionally unintentional post:)))

Now for my take on the Versace pour Homme:

Digga it is a summer fragrance - yes
Diggi also an office fragrance - yes
Sports fragrance? Yes (so sports fragrance in the sense of leisure fragrance, I never wear fragrances while playing sports or wear extra to sports n fragrance on ... My theory on this is that everyone who sprays hard for sports also trains like ne Pu*y)
I join the previous speakers in one point: the Versace pour Homme is a hammer entry fragrance for everyone. It's versatile, smells wonderful, and is totally affordable.
It starts with a super pleasant freshness. I smell citrus and neroli. The neroli is wonderful.. You don't have to like floral notes in fragrances to like the Versace pour Homme. I find the neroli gives the scent something soft and familiar.... It is not stale but absolutely contemporary and modern.
When the woods come into play in the middle part, the fragrance shows its masculinity quite clearly. In the drydown, the woods then mix with the musk and the nerloi slips slightly into the background - yet remains present and in a super relaxed way.
I wear it extremely gladly on warm days and in the job but can imagine him also well to a summer date.
Yes, the durability is now not Beastmode but also not sooo bad I get 4-6std and the small fragrance cloud is also present.

I am of the opinion that the fragrance is a blind buy king. Try and enjoy him.

AlexSVW 3 years ago 55 17
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Do you know the moment where business student Frederik from Blankenese goes into a Shishacafe in Billstedt and says: yo, club, on my neck, Gönn you and safe?!????
Mega funny celebrate something hard, but has little to do with my fragrance recession..... was just looking for a good opener.
The strict EssenceVitae order guardians have warned me to describe the fragrance more precisely.
I will of course take that as constructive criticism and do it.
Have fun :

Diggggaaaaaaa... This fragrance... You might ask me : "diggi if you had to throw away all your fragrances and could only keep one.... Which one would that be?"
My answer would be : "digga safe hawas".
In my opinion, this fragrance is extremely versatile and works in every season and occasion. This is due to the complex fragrance pyramid.
It is citrusy and aquatic: bomb in the summer.
The plum and sweetness also pop well in the winter.
The woody, the musk and the amber note definitely push the party-ability - at the same time, these fragrance notes ensure that the Hawas is not a teen fragrance. I think he is rather something for ü25...

In this breakdown, almost everything is said about the fragrance: it starts very citrusy (without being tangy) with a nice aquatic touch. The sweet plum in the middle with a touch of cinnamon provides a lot of warmth.
The drydown is dominated by the musk and amber, in my opinion. This mixture also makes the fragrance so long-lasting and intense.
The wood I perceive in the background.... It rounds off the fragrance excellently.

The durability is really excellent. Let you yes not from this reformulation - rumgeheulen confuse.... The Hawas is a Beast... It's still a player...3 sprays and you are well served. Take to work 1 - 2 and notice it almost all the way through..
Funfact: everyone is peeing their pants because the liquid is grey instead of purple.... Got the grey version, hold the times against the light :digga ciao is also purple.... :) everything a question of perspective.

Try this fragrance necessarily out it will be worth it!
AlexSVW 3 years ago 11 2
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Party Marty
Yaaaa... We all got it Ultramale and Eros are the club and party kings... I think Eros was born for the club but Ultramale can do even more.

First TO the fragrance : it starts very fresh with a pleasant citrus note and a hint of mint - the mint is rather n silent companion not so ne playa mint as with the Eros.
The pear gives the whole a special charm - diggi : TO NICE.
In the drydown it becomes sweet... The vanilla of the Kreuzkummel and the pear contribute their part to it.(will the pear in the Drydown even sweeter?!?? I think so)

Still, I think the Ultramale works well away from the party scene.
If you have the balls and the character for it, the fragrance definitely also stands in the professional everyday life.

Last worn on 04.06. In the club and me tooooodes Attraktiv felt .

Clear recommendation :)
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