
France France since 1989

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 14 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.3 of 10 on average. 423 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
The name "Nuxe" has a pleasant ring in the world of luxurious fragrances and cosmetics due to the philosophy that it has followed for decades.

The laboratories and facilities for the production of medicinal herbs and care products had already existed since 1957, and the collection was distributed mainly through regional doctors and pharmacies. Aliza Jabès bought the company in 1990 and completely restructured it with new products, new packaging, and a new logo. "Nuxe" began its expansion into the international fragrance world in 1991. Through lots of advertising and the opening of new distribution channels (health food stores, drugstores, etc.), the label began catering to a broader target group.

However, the concept of nature-derived and organic ingredients remained unchanged. Research and modern science were important components for the creative minds behind "Nuxe". In addition, the exquisite herbs and the valuable essences used in the products leave the skin nourished. "Nuxe" owns more than 50 patents, and many products have been awarded the organic seal.

"Nuxe" has now developed into a beauty group with many activities, operating worldwide in over 60 countries. It produces and sells creams, lotions, oils, anti-aging and skincare products, and powders. In addition, "Nuxe" has more than 50 spas in various locations.

The beauty range is sold in upscale drugstores, pharmacies, and, of course, on the "Nuxe" website.
Content by EssenceVitaeEssenceVitae

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