
Italy Italy since 1951

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 32 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.9 of 10 on average. 771 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
The roots of the fashion label Krizia are Italian. The collections started from Milan and made their way to the international fashion scene - influencing one fashion critic at a time.

Behind the label was the designer & trained seamstress Mariuccia Mandelli, born in 1925, and began her entrepreneurial career selling patterns out of her car. Mandelli then founded her label in 1954, referring to the "vain nature of woman" (according to Plato) in a tongue-in-cheek way when she named it.

Her first collection of black and white models surfaced in 1964 and won awards from fashion critics. Krizia then broadened her horizons and advanced the prêt-à-porter fashion with more creations such as 'mini' hot pants. In the 1990s, the label gained more success and was worth millions of dollars. Before Mariuccia Mandelli died in 2015, she sold the "Krizia" label to a Chinese fashion brand.

In the professional world, the style of Krizia's collections was considered "creative and versatile luxury with unexpected details”, keeping in mind that the label regularly presented two collections a year.

However, the company was also active in other areas. During the 80s, Krizia offered menswear, a line for kids, and fragrances for women and men, all bearing the exotic "K".
Content by EssenceVitaeEssenceVitae

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