

Montague 5 years ago 47 11
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The Molecule01 Code
Hello, dear EssenceVitaes.

I know you probably can't hear all the comments and statements about Molecule01 anymore, or you read them out of interest just because this scent is so contradictory and mysterious.

In the following I will speak of Molecule01 as a fragrance and not as a perfume. Here, too, opinions differ. Not that he didn't deserve the name perfume. It's good enough, it can keep up with perfumes in terms of longevity. But for me personally it is difficult to describe a single fragrance as perfume. But even with the word scent I find it difficult. For me it is mainly a fragrance booster
with its own fragrance restaurant.

It's not quite new anymore, and to be honest I only discovered it some time ago, but then I intensively occupied myself with it and finally decided to write down my impressions and insights here.

First of all, the fragrance. As has already been stated, this fragrance also has a woody, fresh and synthetic aura for me. I wouldn't say that this fragrance changes over time, it smells the same from beginning to end. Only the intensity decreases with time, it becomes more subtle, less frequently and clearly perceived by the wearer and his environment and works more from the background, but still lasts on the skin for many hours. Whereby some humans cannot perceive this smell at all.

Now again a very important, worth mentioning insight for me, which I would like to share.

Applied to the skin, it enhances the natural odour of the skin and any substances applied to the skin, i.e. shower gel, creams, perfumes, etc. That's why it's so often used for layering or mixed with perfumes to increase their durability and sillage.

If, for example, the wearer has not taken a fresh shower before applying Molecule01, or has a subjectively less pleasant smell on the skin area due to environmental factors, everyday life or work and other contact, it is actually an olfactory suicide to apply or have applied Molecule01 on or near this area. Because in this respect, the fragrance is not a perfume. It does not really change one's own scent, but only strengthens it. The own, subliminal fragrance cannot clear this up. Here I would say goes the effect of amplification on the own note of the fragrance.

That's how it looks with clothes. For example, if I wear sweaty clothes, and they rarely smell pleasant, Molecule01 will make the whole thing worse on the clothes. With perfumes one can perhaps conceal bad smells, the nobles did that in the Middle Ages already.
But with Molecule01 you should definitely not try.
The same applies to other smells. If my clothes have contact with less pleasant smells, and absorb this smell, it is not advisable to use Molecule01 here
Because the strengthening aura that Molecule01 has, the Sillage, reinforces every scent in its immediate environment.
I have to repeat myself here because I am sure that at least some bad user ratings are due to these factors. Either the skin chemistry is not right, with freshly washed or not washed skin with the smell, or it the factors mentioned by me, which lead to the fact that the smell is not felt as pleasant. The same applies of course also to clothes.

Conclusion and own recommendation, if you use Molecule01, do so on freshly washed skin and clothes to avoid a strengthening of subjectively unpleasant smelling places
In my opinion, it is also not recommended for professions and activities where there is a lot of perspiration.
It also doesn't make sense if you wear this fragrance in environments that are odorlessly unpleasant.

I don't want to specify this further in order not to offend anyone, you can probably imagine yourself well in which areas you are exposed to bad smells professionally or privately.

To my own impressions about Molecule01.
As I am in direct contact with people professionally, Molecule01 has become very interesting for me for the first time, because it is so subtle and can hardly be detected and recognized as a scent

I wear it of course only on freshly showered skin, I spray it on my neck and chest where my skin does not come into contact with clothing. Not on my clothes at all.

I don't know if it's the psychological effect the fragrance has on me, or if it really has a magical, hard to explain, pheromone-like effect. My impression is that my colleagues are more close to me and nicer to me when I wear it.

Since I can't present any empirical evidence here, for me I can only say it doesn't matter in the end,
whether it is the scent itself or its legend and the resulting psychological effect.
The fragrance has an effect that is difficult to explain. However, I myself am convinced of this.

And even if you don't believe in its "magical" effect, Molecule01 is the best you can use to layer and enhance scents.

I hope very much that my comment was helpful, I worked very long on my comment and am pleased likewise about comments of you.


Montague 5 years ago 25 5
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My first Montale
"What's that great smell?" I asked myself as I was strolling through the practice. Far and wide no human soul could be assigned this fragrance. The scent, strong, dark, but not unpleasant. Male, woody, spicy and resinous, somehow it reminded me of incense. And I love incense.

A week later I walk through the waiting room, again the same smell. Just a few patients in the waiting room, two of them men. The circle of suspects narrowed, the noose tightened.
I used my knowledge of human nature to find the guilty, fragrant culprit who flooded the whole practice with his scent.

I discreetly intercepted him in private and asked him about his perfume because I really liked it.
He wasn't quite sure, didn't know the name right away, but promised to google me and look for it. So I spoke to him again a little later and found out it was "Intense Pepper" by Montale.

I never heard of Montale before as a perfume newcomer. Also "Intense Pepper" seemed a bit strange to me, I was a bit irritated. Was that really the pepper I smelled and that reminded me of incense? Is it really the right perfume?

I thanked them for the information and decided to search the Internet at home, i.e. here, for further information. After the patient had left, you could probably smell him for another hour in the room where he was staying. He certainly didn't dose sparingly ;)

The fragrance pyramid made me doubt my nose, I was depressed. Was it really the right name the patient gave me?
But the perfume, that scent, just left me no peace, I liked it, and that means I had to have it.
So I ordered it in the hope that I got the right information.
Slow waiting, a few days of uncertainty and tension.
Finally the package is there, opened, perfume taken out, safety pin pulled out and pfft on the wrist.

At first the pepper is clearly dominant, and the flowery "orange" is discreetly perceptible in the background.
Those who expect an outstanding top note here will unfortunately be disappointed. Unless she or he's a hardcore pepper fan.

And I think this is where most of those who have tested "Intense Pepper" already form their opinion and stamp it prematurely. A big mistake. Cause you forgot the first rule of Montale.

"The first rule of Montale is: Never judge a Montale by its top note."

In the process the pepper becomes a little milder, and now the smell becomes more woody and also more resinous.
For me it took over one to two hours on the skin until the fragrance underwent a wonderful transformation and unfolded its full potential. Only now did he start to smell the way I remembered him in practice.
And now I was sure I bought the right fragrance.

I deliberately chose him to go out yesterday because I knew he would take me through the evening without a portable sprayer. I applied it a little earlier so that it could take effect after more than an hour at its destination. Although it was a place where people smoked, I could still perceive him well for several hours. If I had sprayed him on my clothes, he would have swallowed all the smoke in the restaurant and replaced it with his own scent ;)

I would say after applying it to the skin it is at least 4 hours well perceptible in its environment, then slowly retreats again, but remains loosely 6-8 hours on the skin noticeable, applied to the clothes even longer
I'm always modest about these things, because I don't want to exaggerate. It can also be longer, depending on skin texture and other factors.

Arrived at home, I could still smell it after more than 6 hours on my skin.
My shirt, which only came into passive contact with the scent, smells of it even a day later. I think, with direct spraying there will be several days in it.

All in all a really beautiful scent, which one or the other doubter should perhaps have a closer look at and smell and test, but don't forget the first rule of Montale! It's worth the wait.
Montague 5 years ago 14 2
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How the man came to the rose
"Should I, or shouldn't I?" I asked myself when I was invited to visit friends last night. I stood in front of my newly acquired perfume "ManRose" by Etro, and wondered whether it would make sense to put it on. "Rose as a straight man, can this go well? What will the others think of me?
Better I test it with my friends than on my next date," I thought, and put it on.

I received the perfume from a friendly saleswoman, after a nice consultation, as one of several Etro samples in December last year.
At home I sprayed it on my wrist at some point for testing. "What a lovely fragrance!"

The rose clearly perceptible, but on a dark, mysterious background.
I smell some resinous and incense, but my amateurish nose can smell more fragrances
so I leave it, don't pretend, and refer to the fragrance pyramid.
But one thing is certain, the fragrance in its entirety is harmonious, makes the ManRose complete;
the rose gets its thorns.

I liked it right from the start, and I wore it on some of the following days
again at home for myself.
The fragrance lasts about 4-6 hours on the skin, for an EdP rather mediocre.
The performance is the first two hours in order, the Sillage perceptible,
in the next few hours he gradually withdraws and becomes very close towards the end.
As expected, he keeps much better on his clothes, about 24h+
That smell just wouldn't let go of me. So I bought it.

I sprayed the perfume several times before going out, on the wrists and neck,
and something on my shirt.
On the way I could occasionally perceive this beautiful scent in the background.
He calmed me down and gave me a good feeling.

Arrived at my friends, as usual, a hug to greet.
Everyone I embraced complimented me on something I smell so good,
and they wanted to know what the scent was. I was relieved.
My doubts had disappeared, the evening was saved.

Rose meets man, man falls in love.