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Jasminroedig 5 months ago 16 1
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Birches in the snow
I would like to tell you about one of my dreams.
A beautiful day in winter, it's snowing in Berlin. In a few days, the clean white that is still falling from the sky will turn into many dirty lumps of slush that will adorn the streets of the city and sadly de-romanticize yesterday's snow. And then everyone wants summer again. That's life...because you can't have everything.

but not in my dream.

The snow stays here, forever. There will never be too much snow on the ground, just as much as is still beautiful and right. Here, the white powder falls from the sky and covers the white birch bark of the precious trees, so that you can just make out their outlines in the distance. No tar, no grass, just a white blanket and the occasional white trunk reaching up into the sky. The branches and the snow become one, merge, unite, you can't see anything but the big picture. The longer I watch, the calmer I become. This image has burned itself into my brain.

In my work at a psychiatric facility, we help our patients to learn various relaxation techniques. One of them we call "the inner safe place".
This "place" is a moment, a situation or an image that only you know and can create in your mind whenever the inner tension boils up inside you. It's not easy, you have to practise it, but little by little the image becomes clearer and clearer and you can watch yourself calm down internally.

My inner safe place is the image of birch trees in the snow.
Nothing is too much, nothing is too cold or too loud. No one is disturbing, no one is shouting - everything is just fine and right the way it is

That's exactly what I experience with this fragrance.
The untouched beauty, when it simply comes over me without any influence or judgment, takes me in and whisks me away to a place where the birch trees and the snow become one. A place that calms me, gives me security, comfort and energy.

Of course, Richwood doesn't smell like snow or birch trees, but rather a creamy, woody wonder peppered with friendly roses and initial fruity-fresh nuances.
Of course, that doesn't do the fragrance justice, you just have to get to know it, my inner safe place, or at least the smell of this place.

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Jasminroedig 6 months ago 14 2
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From never-ending love to take 2 sweets
Do you remember what Nimm2 sweets taste like? The taste of the treats filled with a liquid center has burned itself into my brain. So it's all the nicer when a perfume manages to make moments from childhood shine in a new light. I will always love the sweets - Forever Love - how fitting.

The course of the new star in the sky of lemon fragrances seems all the more enticing. The melon entices with its playful yet natural acidity and brings lightness and variance into play. The fresh acidity develops more and more in a sweet direction as the fragrance progresses, which does not detract from its longevity. Admittedly, I am not a fan of fresh and tart lemon fragrances, simply because they are often too linear and unspectacular for me. I would often like to see a little more facets, which, if implemented purposefully, could also be good for the performance. Pana Dora simply doesn't play along with the game at all and does its own thing, which I already marveled at in Aqua de Dora. The house seems to have understood how to incorporate the citrus in Freshies as an essential building block in the foundation and at the same time allow notes such as melon, lily of the valley and mango to shine just as brightly here.
Forever Love is complex, no more so than orientals, florals, etc., but certainly more complex in its fragrance direction than comparable candidates. Forever Love also lacks balance. Rarely has it felt so good and right to breathe in a fragrance.

Here I am served a memory from my childhood on a silver platter, garnished with pieces of melon and strips of mango - not a hint of synthetics - uniquely pure and elegant. What more could you want

Jasminroedig 9 months ago 23 1
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A declaration of love
How could I have known about the house of Xerjoff for so long without getting to know this fragrance?
I mean, it's not that I'm any less impressed by the house's other fragrances. But Uden Overdose has won me over.

I mean how magical, balsamic-citrusy can a fragrance opening be? Right from the start, I'm obsessed with my wrist. Pure curiosity is aroused, because if a fragrance starts like this, what great development is in store for me?

Uden Overdose is my dream come true. For a long time, I was looking for a fragrance that was tamed in its spiciness and didn't immediately throw me back into 1001 nights. I wanted a modern classic, a multidimensional, unmistakable fragrance.
And now I think I've found it.

The excellently integrated tobacco, the soft coffee and the spicy ginger, what a work of art. The heart alone gets an even 10 from me. The citrus from the start recedes a little and opens up new opportunities for the musk to show its best side. More and more, Uden Overdose transforms into a humid cloud of spicy vapors that can only be perceived in all its beauty if you let yourself in for it.

For my part, I am addicted to Uden Overdose.
Even if, contrary to expectations, projection is not one of his strengths.

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Jasminroedig 9 months ago 23 2
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Lemons and summer
what do feelings actually smell like? Or the much more pertinent question: can feelings smell like anything at all?

To be honest, I never had to deal with this question until I came across Aqua de Dora. Because this fragrance is exactly that: a feeling.
A feeling of the south of Italy, of citrus forests and azure seas, of luxury hotels on Capri and well-dressed people enjoying their summer days in their own way.
The very first spritz throws me into another world, where the lemons are yellower, juicier and more acidic than anything I've known before. Together with the grapefruit, this start creates an unforgettable experience that even prompts me to write something on EssenceVitae again after months of not writing.

The more time you give the fragrance, the more summery it becomes, in fact it almost screams for the sun. And it cries out for a long, long time.
Over time, Aqua de Dora transforms into the perfect summer day by the sea, or the feeling you get from it. Maybe you're sitting on the beach surrounded by countless fig trees and enjoying the sight of the waves that regularly come crashing in. That would be my idea at least. But don't forget that there must be a tanned Italian woman sitting next to you, enjoying a scoop of lemon ice cream. Only then will you have the right idea in your head.
Because that's exactly what Aqua de Dora is. Exactly this feeling
Jasminroedig 3 years ago 25 4
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And what's your luxury?
Luxury... a nice term, but what is it?
Is it a feeling you feel when you dress up in the most famous names in the world and jet off to Monte Carlo in a black Lambo?
Or maybe it's a state of us in the outside image of others who see you place the occasional bottle of Moet here and there in your Instagram story.
Or is it just a word that says you're richer than the average person in the country you live in?

I have a suggestion
Give yourself your own luxury - Let luxury be what it is meant to be for you. I mean, the word obviously sounds great and exclusive. Just let luxury be a little more individual. Let the vanilla ice cream at the ice cream parlor be a luxury, or even your new pair of red heels. It's much more about what you let become luxury.
I experience luxury very often, namely in my own little world of fragrance - This perfume in particular - Aura Sublime - has done it to me.

Rarely has the iris embraced me so pleasantly as here. The fragrance has nothing playful, nothing loose-light and yet convinces with a unique creaminess, which is just about everyone in the nose. For me, Aura Sublime is as timeless as Naxos and as dignified as Cuir Beluga. Vanilla and tonka don't make the fragrance gormandizing, on the contrary, they enhance its exclusivity. And you don't consume something exclusive just like that. The powderiness runs through the fragrance from start to finish, giving it a feminine profile. Floral notes? Not at all: without any flowers at all, the fragrance creates something novel that still feels soft and familiar. The subtle citrus mingles with the notes early on and elevates the foundation of the fragrance to another level. Precious-royal-yes almost divine. Aura Sublime becomes more sparkling and exciting.

For me it was clear: This is my luxury. And this luxury I want to consume as often as possible, why not?

And what is your luxury?

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