JPSCHFR 4 years ago 10
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The Honey Shop
Now it's time for my first fragrance commentary.
But while I'm already typing here, holding the fragrance in my hand and sniffing it again and again, I ask myself why I dedicate this moment to him of all people.

Maybe because it reflects 100% of a thought process in my head which I hopefully can describe very well.
Well, here we go...

It is winter - mid December to be precise. The time of year when you meet up with friends at the Christmas market on weekends and stroll around.
Many fragrances find their way into your senses, from leathery and sweet to spicy and hearty. Also alcoholic notes of rum and mulled wine join in from time to time and all fragrances always embed themselves in a feeling of warmth, pleasure and conviviality.

So imagine you are walking across this one Christmas market and you have noticed all these smells. But one is missing. One is missing, but one notices it at least once at one place on the Christmas market.
And this is the small beekeeper's shop with all its beeswax candles and honey creations.

Kilian's Back to Black gives me a pretty accurate journey there. Whether the shop is physically present or not.
When you spray it on, you are immediately surrounded by a cloud of super delicious honey, subtle spicy notes from the spice stand next door scurry through the half-open door and give the whole thing in combination a nice warmth, which you don't want to give away on this cold day.
And yes vanilla is also present for me. I can well imagine that you can also mix a little vanilla into one or the other beeswax candle to round off the room fragrance.

In our meanwhile well-known honey shop one usually does not stay too long. And here we come also for me to the only difference. Back to Black stays and stays. And that very politely, until you ask him to leave :)

I now leave the shop after I have let myself be captured by all the fragrances and close the bottle.

As nice as the journey sounds, the scent is also wearing. But as often as one gets lost in a honey shop, as often I wear Back to Black. It should remain something special. Otherwise the trip will be no longer a fragrant experience, but an annoying affair, which one prefers to have with one: "Let's get another mulled wine! - gets rid of him ;-) ;-)