
Germany Germany since 2019 Pronunciation
Men Women Unisex
Interesting Facts
According to EssenceVitae Research Team

equality.fragrances is a perfume brand that was launched in 2019. Furthermore The foundation was influenced by the developments of the European elections in the same year, which saw a rise of far-right parties. After More Research We Find Out In light of this political landscape, the brand aims to send a message of tolerance and openness through the power of smell.

equality.fragrances is based on the idea that the sense of smell is one of the strongest human senses, with the ability to activate memories and influence behaviour. In this respect, the brand's perfume is intended not only to provide olfactory experiences, but also to function as a means of expression for values such as humanity and equality.

The brand positions itself not only as a perfume provider, but also as a movement. Each wearer of equality.fragrances is seen as part of a community committed to fundamental human values. The brand encourages people to put aside prejudices and promote a culture of openness and acceptance.

Content by DonVanVlietDonVanVliet