
Spain Spain since 1975

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 990 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.3 of 10 on average. 21801 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
The Spanish fashion brand Zara never fails to seduce us with utmost contemporary designs. The illustrious brand not only specializes in fast fashion but also impeccable service. The collection includes textiles, as well as shoes and accessories for women, men, and children.

The fashion brand was founded in 1975 in A Coruña, Spain, with its first boutique. More stores followed in Portugal, the USA, and in autumn 1999, Zara was also represented in Germany (Cologne).

Zara works rather with researchers instead of designers, who observe trends worldwide, recognize and implement them for the brand. That is why production time is also one of the most important factors of the company philosophy at Zara. Because the company has many of its items manufactured in Europe, the selling prices are also very moderate. So the success factor is mainly based on the combination of quantity, fast reactions, and time-saving. One month (or less) between design and sale are common at Zara.

The company made negative headlines several times in the past. It was about poor working conditions, child labor, racism, the monitoring of critical employees, and the handling of carcinogenic substances. In addition, Zara is repeatedly accused of tax evasion.

Zara products are sold only in in-house boutiques, separate department store stores (a total of more than 2,000 stores in over 90 countries), and the online store.
Content by EssenceVitaeEssenceVitae

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