
Austria Austria

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 15 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.6 of 10 on average. 792 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
Melting pot of ethnicities and cultures, center of the intellectual elite, dramatic stage of a declining world - if the creatives of WienerBlut have their way, Vienna was one of the most interesting cities in Europe at the turn of the century.

The savoir-vivre of the time, as well as an interest in the natural raw materials of perfumery at the time, inspired the Viennese brand to create four new fragrances, developed in collaboration with Parisian perfumer Pierre-Constantin Gueros and presented in Milan in 2012.

As with "Klubwasser" (2009), WienerBlut's first fragrance, the new creations are unisex - and otherwise not immediately categorizable, which WienerBlut says is due to the complexity of natural raw materials and multi-layered construction.

"For us, perfume is interesting if it has a certain dramaturgy in it that touches and involves you," says WienerBlut founder Alexander Lauber, who preceded his creations with extensive research and experimentation with original recipes.

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