Toni Gard

Germany Germany

Perfumers & Creative Guidance

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 23 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 6.9 of 10 on average. 837 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
The fashion label "Toni Gard" focuses less on mainstream trends and, instead, prioritizes the wearer's personality. The brand became a personal favorite for many consumers due to its smashing success.

The founder and owner of the brand "Toni Gard'', based in Wiesbaden, Germany, is Toni Lirsch (1965). In addition, he is also the chief designer for the company, responsible for creating and bringing his creative concepts to life.

The label first gained attention from the fashion world in 1971, when Lirsch presented his first models on the catwalk. Simultaneously, Lirsch brought the first handmade catalog to the visitors. However, the label "Toni Gard'' was able to expand its range, and solidify its reputation in the fashion world as early as 1972.

After almost 20 successful years, the collection expanded significantly to include accessories such as shoes, glasses, belts, and bags that have been an integral part of the portfolio since then. The label sells all essential items for men and women, from high-quality knitwear, leather, and outdoor fashion to elegant business suits.

This expansion of the product range led to the opening of the brand's first store in 1999. Since 1993, jewelry has been part of the brand's offerings, which was created in cooperation with "Christ".

The fashion at "Toni Gard'' is elegant but also authentic. Each piece from Toni Lirsch's creative mind gives the wearer eternal style, taste and emphasizes the wearer's personality.
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