Oscar de la Renta


Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 89 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.4 of 10 on average. 1754 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
Óscar de la Renta was one of the leading fashion designers of the 20th century, and his work influenced many other fashion designers from the second half of the 20th century.

Dominican Republic-born Óscar Arístides Ortiz de la Renta Fiallo (his full name) emigrated to Spain at the age of 18 in 1950, where he took the colorful world of his homeland with him. Óscar de la Renta initially studied art but found great pleasure in the entire culture of Spain.

His first own fashion designs gained him internships at Cristobal Balenciaga and Antonio Castillo (Paris). Finally, in 1963, he went to New York to work as a fashion designer for haute couture fashion. His women's collection (and from 1970 also men's fashion and later his perfume) Óscar de la Renta sold under his name from 1967. The label's most iconic fashion lines at that time included "Miss O" (1976), a perfume collection (1977), and "Óscar by Óscar de la Renta" (1995). In addition, the company's portfolio also includes high-end designer furniture (2002) and bridal wear (2003).

The label "Óscar de la Renta" received much attention from high-class wearers like Jackie Kennedy, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Reagan.

The creative namesake himself was honored in 1990 for his life's work, in 2000 and 2007 for his women's fashion, and in 2013 with the Fashion Industry Founders Award.
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