Jo Loves...

United Kingdom United Kingdom since 2011

Perfumers & Creative Guidance

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 34 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.1 of 10 on average. 337 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
A contract can be a tricky thing. Especially when you soon regret signing it in the first place.

Joanne Lesley Malone was born in 1963 and grew up in modest circumstances in southwest London. No one would have predicted a great career for her, especially since she was dyslexic and had dropped out of school. But things were to turn out differently. In 1988, she set up her own business as a beautician, also offering facial care products that she had prepared in her own small kitchen. Always on the lookout for new skin care products that she could offer her exclusive customers, she created her first own perfume a few years later, which was a complete success. More fragrances were quickly added and sales and accordingly her fame increased to such an extent that one day in 1999 the Estée Lauder Group made her an irresistible offer: to buy into her company, but with the prospect of retaining creative control. Joanne accepted the deal. So from then on, the 'Jo Malone' brand grew with the help of a billion-dollar corporation behind it. There seemed to be no limit.

But then life intervened. In 2003, Joanne contracted breast cancer and had to undergo chemotherapy. After a year, she was cured, but the disease had left its mark. On the one hand, physically: her sense of smell had suffered from the chemotherapy and recovered only slowly. But on the other hand, psychologically: Joanne simply no longer felt the joy she had for her business before her illness.

In 2006, she signed a contract to sell the company to Estée Lauder. In addition to the fact that the brand and her own name, which was attached to it, no longer belonged to her, the contract also stipulated that Joanne would no longer be allowed to work in the industry for five years. That meant no creating perfumes and no involvement or dealing with other cosmetics or perfume companies. She was not even allowed to be seen at the sales counter of another brand.

Joanne didn't care about this. She was glad she was still alive and able to watch her young son grow up. Everything would have been fine now, if only the ceiling hadn't fallen on her head. She thought about what she could do with her free time: maybe retrain as a hairdresser, or go into marketing, or grow her own wine... But the more her sense of smell came back, the more she wanted to do exactly what she had contractually renounced: create perfumes.

So right after the end of the five-year ban, in 2011 and at the age of 48, Joanne started all over again. This time under the name 'Jo Loves...', which her son had suggested, since her own name now no longer belongs to her, but to the Estée Lauder Group.

And once again Joanne is constantly developing new fragrances, creams and scented candles, again with the aim of delighting as many customers as possible with her creations and thereby once again building up a successful business. In this case with 'Jo Loves...', because the brand 'Jo Malone' is now definitely a thing of the past for the person Jo Malone.

Joanne Lesley Malone may be a so-called 'one-trick pony' - someone who can only do one thing. But she's damn good at it.
Content by BirdeeBirdee

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