Honoré Payan

France France since 1854 Pronunciation

Perfumers & Creative Guidance

We currently don't know any perfumers who have worked for this brand.

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 133 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.4 of 10 on average. 107 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts

The company "Honoré Payan" was founded in 1854 by Honoré Payan in Grasse, France, at the address "Place de la Poissonnerie", located in the historic center of the so-called "perfume capital of the world".

In 1883, or according to other sources in 1886, the cousins and members of the founding family, Antoine Payan and Etienne Bertrand, took over the management of the company and renamed it "Payan et Bertrand". The partners parted company in 1893 or, according to other sources, in 1907.

The "Honoré Payan" brand was revived after the separation, but also "Payan et Bertrand" still exists today as "Payan Bertrand S.A.", a manufacturer of fragrance ingredients and compounds and flavour ingredients.

In 1954, the Mureau family acquired the company "Honoré Payan" and moved it to Le Bar-sur-Loup. A joined force with "Jehanne Rigaud Parfums" in 2002 ensured the continuation of the perfume manufacturer's tradition. According to company information, Honoré Payan, as a small family business, still produces its perfumes in an artisanal manner using French and natural materials.

Content by Elisa1000Elisa1000

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