Netherlands Netherlands since 2013

Perfumers & Creative Guidance

We currently don't know any perfumers who have worked for this brand.

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 17 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 6.9 of 10 on average. 244 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
The Amsterdam-based brand "BALR." is a relatively young brand that mainly offers a wide range of lifestyle products that target and immerse the upscale clientele.

The label was created in 2013 by footballer Demy de Zeeuw, online entrepreneur Ralph de Geus, and Juul Manders, who specify the modern and ambitious target group of "BALR." The shirts, hoodies, caps, pants, shoes, and accessories are aimed primarily at hard-working youngsters, fusing luxury with modernity.

The main inspiration for the creations is professional footballer Demy de Zeeuw, a former member of the Dutch national team from 2007 to 2010. With the dominant colors of black and white, de Zeeuw wants to bring the lifestyle of footballers closer to his clientele.

The "BALR." brand witnessed a considerable increase in awareness because it was constantly featured and worn by well-known athletes. This helped "BALR." open its first store in its hometown of Amsterdam in 2016. However, more of its collection is featured online.
Content by EssenceVitaeEssenceVitae

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