Angel Schlesser

Spain Spain since 1983

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 55 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.3 of 10 on average. 639 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
Calling Angel Schlesser a fashion designer does not do justice to the creative mind of the fashion empire. Schlesser, whose real name is Ángel Fernández Ovejero, was born in 1967 in Spain and is active in several areas of fashion, luxury, and quality.

Being a man of many interests, Schlesser began his journey at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid, where he met Juan Rufete in 1983. In the following years, Angel Schlesser initially created several fragrances for men and women, which he launched under the name "Angel Schlesser". The individual aromas are intended to symbolize the Spanish way of life of his homeland (Cantabria) and accordingly have a fresh, light, and natural note. Angel Schlesser" made its fragrance debut in 1999 with "Femme", followed by "Essential" and "Ambre Frais Femme" a few years later. Schlesser is a decidedly minimalist person and therefore also limits the substances contained to the classics jasmine, sandalwood, vanilla, bergamot, and lavender. What is unique, however, is the delicate combination of the individual ingredients.

In the fashion industry, the label "Angel Schlesser" has a pristine reputation. Just a few fashion shows (Fashion Week, Expo 2005, etc.) were enough to get the label orders for festivals, parades, and from the film industry.

Between fashion and perfume, "Angel Schlesser" also found time for jewelry design. In cooperation with the jewelry manufacturer "Le Cadó", the company has already released several collections for men and women.

"Angel Schlesser" has already been awarded several times as "BEST DESIGNER" and as "BEST NATIONAL DESIGNER".
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