Aedes de Venustas

USA USA since 1995

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 14 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.7 of 10 on average. 2001 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
Fragrance lovers visiting New York can't miss a detour to "Aedes de Venustas". The niche label is undoubtedly one of the best brands in the fragrance industry and is considered an insider tip among connoisseurs.

The birth of "Aedes de Venustas" goes back to 1995. The two founders of the label are Robert Gerstner and Karl Bradl, who turned their passion for beautiful fragrances into a profession. They initially opened a store in Manhattan which perfectly embodied the brand and offered rare fragrances from all over the world.

The label became famous in the early years through spontaneous visits, to fashion editorials, and small ads in the press. First, supermodels became aware of "Aedes de Venustas" ("Temple of Beauty"). The brand owed the rest of its fame to word of mouth among celebrities and well-known PR figures. In a short time, Naomi Campbell, Molly Ringwald, Sarah Jessica Parker, Liv Tyler, and "Wolverine" Hugh Jackman were among the label's returning customers.

"Aedes de Venustas" has moved several times within New York but always remained true to its philosophy. The label is described as a "cabinet of curiosities" or a "diamond box with a Victorian ambiance".

The label's range (men's and women's fragrances, room fragrances, shower gels, creams, and skincare) is available online and in upscale retail stores.
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