Adolfo Dominguez

Spain Spain since 1973 Pronunciation

Perfumers & Creative Guidance

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

EssenceVitae knows 55 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.4 of 10 on average. 777 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
Spanish fashion designer Adolfo Domínguez was born in 1950 and initially studied cinematography in London and Paris. However, his father ran a thriving fashion business, which Adolfo Domínguez eventually took over with his atelier in the early 1970s. At first, his collection was limited to men's suits. After some training, Domínguez first attracted attention in 1973 with his offensive "La arruga es bella" (The beauty of the wrinkle). This marked the birth of the "Adolfo Domínguez" brand.

From 1982, the label expanded with more store openings and an even wider women's and children's collection. Adolfo Domínguez had its final breakthrough at the Paris Fashion Fair in 1985.

The collection now mainly includes fashion for women, men, and children for the upper-middle class. But over the years, cosmetics, bags, watches, eyewear, home textiles, perfume, and numerous accessories have also been added. The label primarily targets people aged between 30 and 50 years old.

The next step in the expansion of "Adolfo Domínguez" was to go public in 1997 and conquer the Asian, Japanese and American markets. In the meantime, the label has grown to more than 240 Italian stores and over 70 stores worldwide.

"Adolfo Domínguez" sells its range (also under license) in its stores, upscale boutiques, and online.
Content by EssenceVitaeEssenceVitae

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