Oud Stars

Alexandria II 2012 Parfum

Alexandria II (Parfum) by XerJoff
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Ranked 2 in Unisex Perfume
8.7 / 10 3889 Ratings
According to EssenceVitae Research Team A popular perfume by XerJoff for women and men, released in 2012. Furthermore The scent is woody-oriental. Projection and longevity are above-average. It is still in production.
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Main accords

Fragrance Pyramid


8.73889 Ratings
9.23719 Ratings
8.83715 Ratings
9.33594 Ratings
Value for money
6.83154 Ratings
Submitted by TheDrake, last update on 10.06.2024.
Interesting Facts
According to a statement by founder and creative director Sergio Momo, the only difference between Alexandria and Alexandria II should be the age of the used Oud. While in Alexandria the Oud is said to have seasoned 25 years, the one in Alexandria II is said to have seasoned 5 years.

Initially a total quantity of 120 bottles was sold exclusively at Fortnum & Mason, London. Since 2017 the fragrance is available in the regular assortment.
The fragrance is part of the "Oud Stars" collection.

Smells similar

What the fragrance is similar to
Alexandria II (Pure Attar) by XerJoff
Alexandria II Pure Attar
WO/01 Somewoody by Zara
WO/01 Somewoody
Alexandria II Anniversary by XerJoff
Alexandria II Anniversary
Burdèl by Tiziana Terenzi
Alexandria II (Hair Mist) by XerJoff
Alexandria II Hair Mist
Beyond the Wall by Gritti
Beyond the Wall


127 in-depth fragrance descriptions

12 Reviews
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Top Review 46  
Actually, I don't like oud.
No, seriously - I don't like it at all. I don't want to perceive oud in my presence, and even less do I want to "smell" it (to put it mildly). Oud, tobacco, leather - the 3 big "no's" when I go in search of new scents I want to test. But well, every ingredient has its right to exist and its lovers, including this "oud" which is incomprehensible to me. Is probably like so many things a very big question of taste, which everyone has to answer for himself.

I do not have many vials in my possession. After more than 100 tested samples I have found only a few that I really liked, and again only a fraction of these few fragrances have actually found a place on my shelf. Although I have almost only "better-known" perfumes in my collection, I like them unconditionally.

I must say that I am very sensitive to individual ingredients. Everything simply has to be right for me - from the fragrances to the performance to the shelf life, and above all, the feeling that I want to have the right bottle for the sample has to be established quickly and after initial tests. I have come to know and love many fragrances, but I don't have to own them.

Well then, how do I make the jump to the actual topic?
After I caught a XerJoff sample a few months ago (it was "Naxos"), and I found the fragrance to be "good", I stopped paying attention to the brand for the time being. This was only because at that time I only ordered one fragrance per fire to test myself crosswise.

However, after I came across the name XerJoff again and again (this happened through videos of more or less well-known perfume influencers, discussions here in the ticker as well as browsing the chart list on EssenceVitae), it came as it had to happen - I had to find out more about Mr. or Mrs. XerJoff. Smell more of it.

My next step was the following:
I entered the letter combination "xerjoff" (all lower case) into a well-known, sometimes too much knowing, search engine, and quickly came across the brand's website. There I ordered a sample kit with 4 fragrances, which I - inspired by the chart list on EssenceVitae - wanted to test. The names were "Amber Star", "Star Musk", "Uden" and "Alexandria II" - knowing full well that the evil word "Oud" was one of the main ingredients of Alexandria II.

Very well, I thought to myself, what the heck - said, done; ordered as delivered. At least almost. I was very pleased that the friendly messenger rang for me the very next day with said delivery. All the more sobering then was the discovery that one of the fragrances had been delivered wrong. Instead of Alexandria II, Alexandria III was in the package. "I didn't want that," I thought to myself. I sniffed at it anyway, and the scent was surprisingly "good" - despite oud. Good, but not outstanding; by no means one of the few exquisite scents I must own. And what is it that distinguishes Alexandria II and III? Was it perhaps a sign? Is it, so to speak, no matter which of the two I would smell, since both would not convince me in the end?

Nevertheless I did the only right thing as a customer and complained about the wrong delivery, and the very next day I held my specimen of Alexandria II in my hand.
That's where it should be. I opened the cardboard slipcase, took the sample, had the back of my hand ready, operated the spray head of the atomizer, waited a few seconds, smelled the sample and...

...and there it was. I found what I was looking for. The scent that tops everything. The oud that eclipsed all previous impressions. The perfume that allowed me to breathe
I have never smelled anything comparable, something so unique, which fascinated and magically attracted me at first sight. This fragrance is unique, and everyone should at least have tested it. It was soon clear to me that I would like to own this fragrance one day. Now it is already standing here, turned at a 90 degree angle to me
That, dear reader, dear reader, is it - my scent. A thoroughly hearty, wonderful scent composition. Everything I ever wanted in perfumery. This perfume is my pinnacle. I don't know if any other perfume could ever top this one. And between you and me - I wouldn't want that
Thank you very much for your attention!

10 Reviews
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Top Review 40  
Wellness from the bottle
Disclaimer: I am an older gentleman of advanced retirement age who has applied fragrances for personal pleasure all his life. I have neither an analytical nose and professional background knowledge, nor the urge to remain as objective as possible in evaluations, as far as this seems at all possible with fragrances.

Some things in life should be encountered at the first time preferably blind, so as not to cloud your own judgment a priori by personal resentments.
On the table in front of me is a bottle of 1964 Château Margaux - a spontaneous purchase from a wine auction - and truly no special Bordeaux vintage. No 1945 or 61, and only not the legendary Margaux from the year 1900. Hadn't I already read several times that in particular the 64 is supposed to seem completely untypical Margaux?
And yet the great name remains...
On the other hand, Margaux reds in particular can develop surprisingly well, but it was too late for a blind tasting now anyway.

In other words, I was once again on the verge of pouring a veritable dose of "neurosis" in my old Moser glass. Actually, an objective assessment seemed beyond my grasp.

It's a similar story with good fragrances. If name and reputation are big enough, and far ahead, then the own expectation completely clouds any senses - which is even more valid with a higher price tag.
Disappointment and enthusiasm then usually play music in similarly rapturous realms.

Clarity, however, is gained by returning. If one returns again and again to an object of desire, then it really belongs to one. Xerjoff's Alexandria II has become such a creature for me in recent years. Its powdery sweetness comes across as anything but burdensomely heavy. Rather, it wraps the wearer in a warm cashmere blanket under which all the problems of the world seem forgotten. Xerjoff has really succeeded in transporting well-being into a bottle. If no time for a wellness day remains, or gray clouds press on the mind, then a spray is enough to smile again.

Yet Alexandria II feels familiar from day one.

I would find it idle with this fragrance to philosophize about the individual ingredients.
Each individual is undoubtedly of high quality, but more important is their interaction as a whole composition.
Yes, you can perceive the rose in the heart note, but it blends just so subtly into the amber vanilla Nirvana that any comparison with a usual flower bouquet must seem completely out of place. Like the individual instruments of a good orchestra, the ingredients play together harmoniously perfect.

Equally unfair would seem the comparison with an average designer fragrance.
They are simply different worlds.
Power, sillage, durability, expression, sensory appeal play here in a completely different dimension.
The fragrance itself becomes the protagonist. And yes - you can indeed smell the price tag.

Furthermore, you can not point out often enough that of such a fragrance a single spray is enough, while you have to respray some designer several times a day vigorously, because its durability and sillage mock any description. This relativizes the higher acquisition costs immensely.

In particular, you get with Xerjoffs Alexandria II but undoubtedly a perfume with which you can present themselves regardless of their own gender without shame at any evening gala event. It is a masterpiece of perfumers art, which I may recommend regardless of my introductory words unreservedly.

Personally, I prefer the Xerjoff Discovery Set III since its release, because in addition to Alexandria II with Naxos and Golden Dallah two other favorite fragrances from the same house are included.

Finally, I would like to mention the beauty of the Xerjoff flacons may. The sparkle of the golden caps works namely similarly enchanting as the content, and provides a real eye catcher in your own bathroom or dressing room.

Xerjoff's Alexandria II has become a part of my life, which I would only reluctantly miss, which I can not say of the aforementioned 1964 Margaux truly..

45 Reviews
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Ti amo Nonno
Some associations cannot be bought with money. This association cannot be bought with money.

When my Italian grandfather came to Germany, he had to quit high school shortly before. Why? His mother had not enough money in post-war times, even personally affected. Couldn't afford the cost of the school anymore. In Germany - without a school-leaving certificate - no chance for an apprenticeship. Hired by a large German publishing house, in the printing shop. Unskilled assistant.

Highly worked. Decades later: Head of repro-photography for the entire publishing house. Significant contribution to bringing Playboy to Germany. Highly skilled, from the position of an unskilled assistant.

Always human. Always unconditionally there for my mother, always unconditionally there for me. Picked me up from school every day because there was no bus service. No matter what he had to do. He offered me a home when my mother didn't have time, because she worked full time at the same time to keep us afloat and studied to get ahead in life anyway. My surrogate father.

When I was a child, he took me every year to his little apartment in his Italian hometown. Sometimes with my grandmother, sometimes just the two of us. My highlight of the year. Waking up in the morning in the sunshine. Shutters open, view of the monastery on the mountain opposite, view of Lake Maggiore. On the balcony with birdsong, sea air, church tower bell harmony, having breakfast together. Then with the hydrofoil of the public transport exploring the other places on Lake Maggiore. There were only a few connections with hydrofoil boats, they were also subject to surcharges. My Nonno always accepted this, just to be able to enjoy my childhood fascination for such boats. Later on I even rented a small motorboat a few times every summer because I was so fascinated by ships. To let me drive, which I was not allowed to do at my age. And even though he himself was not even remotely interested in nautical matters. For me. Because it fulfilled him to fulfill my wishes - something he would have wished for his childhood. As a small child I didn't really understand all this. For that my gratitude is all the greater now that I grasp it.

Alexandria II reminds me of this time with Nonno, it embodies this way of life, the appreciation for this wonderful time together in my life. This makes Alexandria II priceless to me.

This comment may read like an obituary, but I'm overjoyed to be there for Nonno every day as he was for me. Even though I will never be able to give him back all that he gave for me
I have unbelievable respect for his life's work, my love for him is infinite and unshakable. I admire him, he is my greatest role model. Nothing will ever break the bond between us. For me, he is proof of the existence of God.

Excuse me, that this comment does not contain anything about the scent course. For me, this perfume has its value on a level that lies beyond the olfactory.

Thanks, Nonno. For everything. Love..

1 Review
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Less helpful Review 22  
Shoe polish with furniture polish
I'm not much of a writer, yet the scent actually managed to get me to post a comment here.

Guided by the many positive, sometimes gushing comments I almost made a blind purchase and paid just under € 300 for the 50 ml. Fortunately, my mind held me back and I decided first for a bottling.

I was mega excited when the package finally arrived. The first sniff at the sprayer, however, has brought me down directly already times. Well ... times on the skin test ...and then began a journey, as I have experienced it with no perfume.

First impression: pure alcohol. Fortunately, the evaporated quite quickly. What then remained was a mixture of black shoe polish and furniture polish. I actually felt the urge to immediately go back to the shower. The scent literally took my breath away, enveloped me. I felt like I was gonna break out in a sweat... and that didn't change for a long time. After about 2.5 hours, it started to get better... and now, about 6 hours after application, it's acceptable... even to the point that I might give the scent another chance .... or no, not after all. I'm not torturing myself through this again. I like oud scents, but this one is a total no-go for me and not worth the money at all. I don't care that the oud is so expensive.

I had at times even really the thought that all the people who find the fragrance so great are just out to make others with the purchase also in the toilet :-)))).... NAja, who likes him ... mine is not!

11 Reviews
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Top Review 22  
From rum pot and furniture care
Coffee round. Toupeed hairstyles in colors between light blue and Snow White black...

"Anneliese, take rumtopf to the ice cream!"
"Oh, Resi, it already smells so much like alcohol... It's strong, isn't it? I still have to drive."
"Take it, Anneliese! There are only dark fruits from the garden in it."
"Oops! Oh, God! The couch... Will it come out?"
"Don't worry about it! Just don't rub it now! I'll use leather conditioner. I got it from HaRa."
"Yes, but then the apartment smells for days afterwards. You can't get it out of the room."
"Oh, I actually quite like smelling that..."
"Then you have the cream!"

That, or something like that, is how I imagine the scene would be if I were to figuratively describe the scent of Alexandria II...

At the first of foolish five sprays, I was already completely shocked. Why did I keep spraying? I don't know!

For many here, this fragrance is apparently something very special!
Therefore, I say in advance: everything I write is entirely subjective. I also think I have an inkling of what is so intriguing about this fragrance. Nothing of what I write should doubt the justification of the enthusiasm of most in the other comments...


Some of the previous commenters and annotators, also critical, describe their impression with the term "medical".
I know very well what they mean. For me, I'll narrow it down again and describe it as strong alcoholic.
But that's not the smooth alcohol of a liqueur, nor is it the scent that describes the variety of herb-based liquors or fruit brandies.To me, it's more like the pungent alcoholic note that strong grooming cleaners or cleaning products possess: Eben furniture polishes, leather conditioners, spot cleaners.

"Fleck-weg! The cleans and maintains. Now with even creamier fragrance"
At this point, people then often ask if a sample might be tipped. …. No!

I have rarely, ever had such a strong initial defensive reaction. Again, when some commenters write about wash-off compulsion, I have an idea of what is meant. The pungent scent - to write of the smell would now be too negative - actually goes with me on the nasal mucous membranes and lays on the tongue.
I had already prepared myself for a day with a headache. And I'm really, really not sensitive.

Linen shirt, cashmere sweater, down jacket... The nose at the crook of the arm smells the scent as if nothing lay between the skin and the olfactory organ.
I leave the house ... and the scent becomes more pleasant.
It's almost as if the scent needs the air to breathe itself. Like a wine that stings in the glass, freshly poured in the nose, but after 30 minutes becomes softer and velvety. But quite yes also here: the spontaneously noted association of alcohol.
But I now know what is meant, if the fragrance is described her enthusiastically...
For a short while, I think, maybe I need to be more patient. Maybe I'll still find favor...

The scent surrounds me all the time. Again and again it flies into my nose. When I turn my head, when I lower my face, when I brush through my hair...
I hesitate to speak of penetrance. ("It's your own fault!", I hear you say. "Five sprays! By Xerjoff! By Alexandria!!!"...)

As soon as I walk back into the apartment, the scent gets to me. But that's not the intensity or the sillage. It's the scent itself that's crowding me.

I barely have the scent of roses in my nose. For me, the oud dominates.
Lavender? Possibly. Amber? I imagine that to be softer.

Rarely do I compare fragrances with each other, because I often think that they are very independent compositions that you can describe against the background of your own perception, but rarely stand up to comparisons...
Here I venture, knowing that I will be met with much opposition.
I love wearing Guerlain's Santal Royal.
At moments, Alexandria II reminds me of it. But in the fragrance of Guerlain, the composition of rose and oud is more harmonious, forms there a great arc, seems tuned, balanced.

I have written two detailed, enthusiastic comments on two Xerjoff fragrances: "Accento Overdose" and "Opera".
There, the floral notes, the exuberance, the lavishness really grabbed and gripped me. Alexandria does not succeed.
Possibly I rather like the bright, fruity, really floral at the brand.
Although I also like edgier fragrances in principle, this one is too rumby for me, perhaps even a little too rowdy.

Towards the end, the fragrance then becomes softer. He gets something creamy. But even this is not the creaminess of desserts or of fragrant skin care, but just the cream for leather care. And also in it is alcohol.

Whether kings really smell like that, I don't know. If, then it would have to have been the Egyptian Pharaohs... Maybe.
But: I don't have that connection.

The scent may not connect to a person at all for me.
It remains "in itself." He is a fragrance without humanizing.
For me, it alcohols away. He alcohols in my nose, on my tongue, in my esophagus and in my head.

To speak of disappointment would be wrong. ... But I don't like it.

"There's a knock..."
"There you are, my dear!"
"Good afternoon, ladies! Good day, Aunt Anneliese!"
"This is your Sebastian? My God, he's grown! And chic! With a rose on his lapel! How old is he now?"
"Thirty-six already! ... Jura...!"
"Ohhh! You're so proud! You can tell by the kids how time flies."
"Sebastian, take Rumtopf!"
"Mommy, it smells so..."
"WATCH OUT! Oh, Sebastian! Now don't sit on that spot! Now you got all the furniture cream on your pants!"
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41 short views on the fragrance
CumhranfearCumhranfear 4 years ago
Something in this - the oud? the lavender? - has a fish-like note to me. I'm afraid I can't join in the love for this fragrance.
Cheech93Cheech93 3 years ago
Perhaps my peasant nose is not refined enough to appreciate this one—not a fan at all. Oud is kinda gross smelling here IMO.
JMWeedJMWeed 3 years ago
Rich quality with beast performance. Masculine and leans towards the older generation. Don’t let the rose scare you, an oriental vanilla
MitchcraftMitchcraft 12 months ago
I have never felt this way from a fragrance in my life, I truly feel sick, :( I so wanted to like this, but I get a barnyard latex smell.
Connoisseur6Connoisseur6 2 years ago
Intoxicating sweet dark woodiness. Very pleasant, and a 10/10 for sure.
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Lily Roux

Hello! I'm Lily Roux, a passionate perfumer with over 20 years of experience crafting unique scents. I specialize in creating personalized perfume impressions tailored to your desires. This site is where I'll be sharing my love for perfumes and everything fascinating about them. Welcome aboard, and let's embark on a fragrant journey together!


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