Exigi's Blog
7 months ago - 09.11.2023

Crafting Your Own Scent Story: The Art of Fragrance Layering

A Personal Olfactory Journey
Fragrance layering is like composing your own scent symphony. It's about blending different fragrances to create something uniquely yours – a personal narrative told through scent.


Finding the Right Notes: Your Olfactory Palette
Just as in music, fragrances have notes. Experiment with floral, woody, citrus, and oriental scents to find a combination that resonates with your mood and style. Let your choices reflect the seasons, occasions, and, most importantly, your individual preferences.


Layering with Finesse: Creating Harmony
Layering is an art – start with lighter top notes, transition to richer middle notes, and finish with lingering base notes. Give each layer time to settle, allowing the symphony of scents to unfold gradually on your skin.


Embrace Uniqueness: Your Signature Scent
Fragrance layering is your chance to be authentically you. Mix, match, and experiment until you discover a combination that feels uniquely yours. Your scent symphony is more than fragrance; it's a statement of individuality, leaving an impression that lingers.


And if all else fails, I found this chart from Huda beauty. Sounds like a safe bet to me!


Conclusion: Your Scent, Your Story
In a world celebrating personal expression, fragrance layering becomes a canvas for self-discovery. Let your scent be the melody accompanying you through life's moments. Craft your own olfactory masterpiece, and may your fragrance resonate as a genuine reflection of you.


Last updated 13.03.2024 - 03:44 PM