Ex Voto 2015

27.10.2021 - 07:35 PM
Very helpful Review
Translated Show original Show translation

"In Between Realms"

"As every blossom withers and every youth
Gives way to age, every stage of life blooms,
every wisdom also blossoms and every virtue
In its time and must not last forever.
It must be the heart at every call of life
Be ready to part and start anew,
In order to be brave and without mourning
In other, new bonds to give.
And in every beginning there is a magic,
That protects us and helps us to live.
We shall pass cheerfully through room after room,
To none as to a homeland hang,
The world spirit does not want to tie us and narrow,
He wants to lift us step by step, expand.
No sooner are we at home in a circle of life
And settled in comfortably, so slackening threatens;
Only who is ready for departure and journey,
May paralyzing habituation to be released.
It will perhaps also still the hour of death
Send us young towards new spaces,
Life's call to us will never end,
Well then, heart, take leave and healthy!"
Hermann Hesse (written in 1941-it should actually probably be called `Transcend` first)

Definition: ex-votos are placed in a church or chapel where the worshipper seeks grace or wishes to give thanks.

I sit alone in a small, barren chapel - Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
It is cool and quiet and contemplative. There is a cloud of recently smoked, now already cooled incense hanging in the room, giving me comfort and peace. A few branches on the small devotional altar emit slender resinous plumes of fragrance.
I fall into myself; my body boundaries dissolve; I float. Who am I, where am I, in which time calculation am I? Am I at all? Scraps of thoughts come and go; I would like to sit like this for a long time. I know that as soon as I move, I'm back, I have new strength and it continues or something starts anew. But for this moment I still hang in the intermediate realm and could also stay, eternity calls for me.

First I feel the fragrance for a moment resinous-fresh, then the incense already unfolds in all its facets. For me, the individual notes are not really ausmachbar (but is vllt also on my still untrained nose). But I find the fragrance also overall very complex and the individual notes balsamic interwoven. There is also really a lot of balsamic in it - incense resin, incense oil, incense ash, amber, mastic resin, sandalwood, guaiac wood. Balsam for the soul. Ex Voto I feel is very close to the skin, it melts into the wearer, boundaries blur, layers blend together; where does the skin end, where does the fragrance begin; is it still skin and fragrance or is it already a fragrance skin?
Initially he starts quite bombig, then I ask myself after about 30 min - Is he still there? Yes, he is - but very fine, quiet and gentle-soothing-balsamic he lays around one like an energy body.
For me, my absolutely favorite incense fragrance. When I put it on, comes to me immediately Hermann Hesse's poem "Steps" (see above) in mind.
An intermediate fragrance. A new beginning scent. A healing scent. A protection fragrance. An aura scent.
"Well then, heart, take leave and healthy!"

It is by no means something for `incense traumatized`; probably also nothing for those looking for fruit, sweetness, pure freshness or oriental-opulent, I think.
I like the flacons of Wiener Blut exceptionally well - with this one, the yellow-ochre glass shines like a citrine - with a Bakelite lid - somehow 1920s - Art Deco. And suddenly everything is sepia again. When I was a little kid, I always thought that the world used to be completely in sepia, because the early, first film shots often had such a sepia cast. Sepia also goes well with the fragrance - in my opinion. My soft focus fragrance. I am softer, the world seems softer, the mood is peaceful.
Small value drop - I understand's also actually not so really, how that could happen to the WienerBlutigen - the inscribed adhesive label fits well from the paper and also to the design, but the writing blurs on contact with moisture and the label then acts quickly a bisserl schmuddelig if you grab it too often with bappschigen fingerlets.
That's still vllt better, huh???
8.0 / 10 1820 Ratings l

Lily Roux

Hello! I'm Lily Roux, a passionate perfumer with over 20 years of experience crafting unique scents. I specialize in creating personalized perfume impressions tailored to your desires. This site is where I'll be sharing my love for perfumes and everything fascinating about them. Welcome aboard, and let's embark on a fragrant journey together!