Enchanted Forest 2012

Enchanted Forest by The Vagabond Prince
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7.5 / 10 348 Ratings
According to EssenceVitae Research Team A perfume by The Vagabond Prince for women and men, released in 2012. Furthermore The scent is fruity-green. It is still in production.
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7.5348 Ratings
7.3273 Ratings
7.0273 Ratings
8.2260 Ratings
Value for money
6.566 Ratings
Submitted by Kankuro, last update on 02.06.2024.

Smells similar

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23 in-depth fragrance descriptions

18 Reviews
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Top Review 56  
I have often been in love in my life with everything that goes with it: butterflies in my stomach, euphoria, heartache, disappointment, reconciliation, loss of reality, cognition, etc.
Sometimes it was just days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months, sometimes years - my emotions were always on a roller coaster.

At some point, the reality always caught up with me, which made me understand: Jo, it's quite nice, but that's not it yet. But I could have told you before, too At some point I had had enough of the stupid cow, showed her the stinky finger and swore that if she didn't want to leave me alone, I wouldn't give her the opportunity for satisfaction anymore - and swore away the men's world
So I lived quietly and contentedly for a while, happy to be rid of men and vicious reality...until I sat in the kitchen with my girlfriend and her roommate, whom I had never met before, burst in.
He grinned at us broadly and at that moment only one thought shot through my head:
There you are at last!

And although we still needed 1 1/2 years to actually get involved with each other, he was the one with whom I learned that love is not euphoria and heartache, but rather peace and understanding That love cannot be measured by jealousy and possessiveness, but by the fact that one gives freedom to the other and is nevertheless home to each other.
That love does not mean that one harmonizes perfectly in all points, but that one leaves one's peculiarities to the other and keeps one's own.

The reality, the stupid Ische, is no longer quite so stupid, even if it sometimes still tries to intervene a little.
She had to realize that we wouldn't let go of her, just because she wanted to put a stick between our legs again, but that we were just holding each other tighter.

Why I'm telling you this?

Because I had this feeling of "There you are finally!" at Enchanted Forest as well.
Despite its corners and edges, it is exactly what I have always been looking for.
Every forest, every garden, every ray of sunshine, every snowflake, every happy memory of my life envelops me when I wear this scent.

It's shady, but not dark.
Dancing light sprinkles act like elf lights between friendly green trees.
Fog, damp forest soil, hoar frost and at the same time solar heat.
A fir tree with fresh shoots, on which strangely delicate snow falls.
Black currants, from the shrub directly into the mouth and I rub the dry leaves between my fingers in the November storm.

With Enchanted Forest I am child and adult at the same time.
Feel happy, playful, peaceful, confident, melancholic, jump in thoughts about a clearing in summer and stand thickly wrapped up in a winter garden.

The magic forest and me - this is the really big love.

18 Reviews
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Top Review 33  
Barely sniffed, already enchanted
Sometimes I have strange desires. Recently, I felt like a green, woody, tannic fragrance - completely off my beaten track - and I came across Enchanted Forest. Thanks to a dear Parfuma my wish was fulfilled immediately and I had the opportunity to test it in all peace. Thank you, you love!

I spent many summers in Sweden's woods. I wandered. Enjoying nature and silence. The forest. The lakes. The rippling streams. I collected mushrooms, blueberries and raspberries almost meditatively, forgetting to listen to the noise of the trees, sucking in the scent of the fir trees. And I thought if I sprayed that scent on, it would catapult me right back there. However, this is not the case. But it's also a magic forest. And there it smells obviously nevertheless differently...

The start is spicy and herbaceous, but still soft and not scratchy. Little by little the currants are added, which are neither sweet nor sour, but are very pleasant. The herbaceous "Waldige" offers a very good contrast to the fruity sweetness. But there's something else in the background, and that's probably what makes it so magical, because describing this fragrance as fruity and green is not yet enough to do it justice. It's like walking deeper and deeper into the forest and discovering that a lot of things are hidden behind the trees.

I smell smoke from far away, a tiny breath only and not always. And animals or other magical creatures are of course also in the forest, but the animal, if you want to call it a note here at all, is extremely discreet. These additional components, of which more can certainly be discovered, are not constant, are there and gone, but they give the fragrance that special something, give it depth and make it much more complex than just fruity and green, even if the main theme is clearly currants.

Enchanted Forest is a very soft, rather fruity, flattering fragrance that is easy to wear. I had suspected a smell rather than a perfume based on the descriptions, but for me it is clearly a perfume. An outsider would probably not say: "Here it smells like forest", but rather: "Here it smells good". Ideally at least ;). All ingredients are woven into a harmonious whole. I haven't smelled anything like it yet.

Conclusion: The fragrance doesn't remind me of Sweden's forests, but that's not even necessary. Enchanted Forest is a very interesting, soft, unusual and well wearable fragrance, which I constantly have to sniff and which somehow doesn't let me go. Obviously his spell is already working!

12 Reviews
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Top Review 31  
The gates to the mysterious forest open for me too
And once again I couldn't help but buy a fragrance blindly from Mr Duchaufour. But since this one seems to be a Love-it or Hate-it scent, the risk of kissing the ground with the nose was quite high. Thanks to a very dear Parfuma here, I could not resist the offer and have struck. At this point again many thanks. :-)
But since I also like Vert d'Encens so much, my fear of blind buying was a little dammed again.

So the package was quickly scissored and I was greeted by a beautiful square blue cardboard with an opulent golden flower print reminiscent of the painting of the last century. When opened, you are gleamed by the golden mirrored lid, which rests on a black roundish bottle, where again the attention to detail has not been spared. A laughing moon and a sweeping swan already show that the brand also attaches great importance to the presentation. The velvety soft fabric in which the bottle is embedded is the icing on the cake But as we know, it's still about the content, so hand out, gold spray head actuated and up with it.

In the first moments I was a little flabbergasted. No forest far and wide in sight, however a very strong fruity sweet cassis note spreads in my nose. If the fragrance continues to develop like this, it might be better in the future if I do without blind purchases completely. At first I thought I had a woman's scent under my nose again. But if you give the fragrance a little time, the doors open to the exhilarating forest everyone here talks about. Partially dark, gloomy, resinous, then again some sunrays shine through the treetops, one currant bush follows the next and one never has the impression to stroll through an ordinary forest, even if the fir trees here definitely attract attention and together with the cassis note conjure a very unique scent into our trunk. Towards the end it becomes a little creamier, but without missing its main theme. To make things a little easier, I would say that the Vert d'Encens has been dumped in a fruit sorbet of currants.
The shelf life of just over 6 hours is in the good mid-range. The projection is very strong in the first 1-2 hours before he withdraws bit by bit. Just right and discreetly dosed, it can also be worn in the office. In my eyes he is wearable in casual outfit, as well as in a suit.

So I would say: mission successful and I can still trust my nose for blind purchases. ;-)

6 Reviews
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Top Review 16  
This is how the taiga smells in summer... ;-)
Childhood memories are basically always something special. Especially when we associate them with feelings of happiness. Blackcurrant evokes exactly these feelings for me.
When we were kids, we spent summer vacations at the Black Sea and in Western Siberia with grandmas and grandpas. Especially the weeks with grandparents were incredibly great - we spent the whole day outdoors, went swimming or even picked mushrooms and berries in the taiga. And even though it was mostly wild blueberries or raspberries and not blackcurrants, it smelled exactly like Enchanted Forest.
The combination of sweet berries and "green" notes on a base of wood (lots of wood!) is unbeatable for me. The currant doesn't smell like jam or liqueur (even though I like those notes too), but like realistic berries. The perfume is therefore for me in terms of sound and associations with no other comparable.
Small minus point could be that the fragrance (on my skin at least) hardly changes. For me, it is completely fine, because I just love him, it can, however, for others with time a little monotonous.

164 Reviews
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Top Review 16  
Hiking and wondering in the Johannisbeer forest
When spraying on: blackcurrant, black but sweet, sometimes the sweetness outweighs the typical bitterness of Cassis. Fruity fragrances aren't really AugustA's favourite metier at all, so I raise all my available hands: No, not another fruit bomb like that! Except for citric scents, that's something completely different for me. But then tart fruity aromas can be captivating, blackberry for example or blackcurrant. From my point of view, the leaf should never be missing, or strong counterpoints, so that we don't end up with the fruit compote. Pure or superficial fruit scents are simply too boring, I want to stuff the fruit into my mouth and they are gone, I only need to smell it when it is hanging from the bush or tree or is already on its way to my mouth. Then gladly.
The fruit aroma, which is almost mandatory in every mainstreamer today, is not even mentioned here. (Exceptions as always confirm the rule.)

But here we are not only dealing with a fruit scent, but with a forest, an enchanted, enchanted, enchanted forest.

And the scent also quickly becomes more complex, the berries remain on the bush and many trees gather around outside. And this forest is not exactly cool, but a summer forest, wonderfully fragrant with all this green, the resins dissolved by the sun, almost sticky, aromatic. Rays of light fall through the mixed forest and the bushes under the trees carry delicious berries. Charming, indeed, and enchanting. A warm summer forest is really something wonderful. And friendly, the liveliness that reigns in this forest. If everywhere else the brooding heat oppresses humans and animals, one finds air to breathe in this forest, green in all facets and the smell of the trees and other plants. Even an animal has passed once. The fur hangs still smelly in the thicket. You sweat a little towards the end and feel good about it.

What a beautiful scent! Wonderful, you get your head free and even something other than the usual into it. Through the nose, of course. Enchanting because the scent does not let you go - it is very portable and especially at high temperatures despite the aromatic resinity and the fir needle. Or precisely because of this - and yet demands that one actively perceives it. This is not a background melody, but an outgrown symphony and completely harmoniously it fits together on skin and wearer.

After the top note I immediately had to think of "Woody Mood", for me a very similar, albeit more archaic forest, because, yes, completely without currants or the like, but with more wood and resin and smoke. But he also has this characteristic drip resin sweetness that never gets on your nerves, unlike the fruit sugar desserts I mentioned earlier, where I would never want to be - who wants to swim in a compote bowl or fight in a sorbet for sticky survival? But in Duchaufour's woods, there's good to be, I'm always happy to look for them!

Beautiful bottle too, by the way, reminiscent of the black berry and the golden Russian ornamentation goes well with all the resin and coniferous forest that smells so mildly spicy. By the way, he does that for a long time, from about eight o'clock in the evening until the next morning the scent was still there in his changes.

The currant and the forest emphasize different moments, the fruit is clearly traditionally assigned to the ladies in all its seductively dripping sweetness - although here it is also a bit harsh - and the forest to the man, whether in tweed or foresters costume. You really shouldn't let that fool you, but just look what was coming out behind the tree trunks and how it gets along with your own skin. This fragrance is certainly not assigned to any sex, except to trolls or the like, who certainly smell much better than their reputation would suggest. Oh, that fairy tale and saga kitsch, where did it come from? Oh, yeah, it's a magic forest. This cassis note can obviously go a little to your head. Where have I been? I feel like I've lost my way...

I like these nature-not-nature scents. This isn't a simple scent image of forest and berry. I like that because they embody a new perception of nature. No longer the original nature as violence from outside, against which man must protect himself. They don't even exist anymore. That may not be quite passé, but this perception no longer corresponds at all to man's relationship to nature today. "Today, "nature" violence is encountered as road traffic or through industry or working conditions, constantly and still quite differently, even subliminally. Nature today is no longer simply nature - it is enriched with needs and ideas, shaped over the centuries and perceived again by the individual, for example as a place of recreation and escape, as a contrast of perception to the urban or everyday environment, or even as legends and fairy tale woven hidden dream place. I deliberately do not speak here of the all-round prescribed Bio-health-nature-madness, which is only another carrot, which is hung before the nose of the good donkey, so that it remains in the late capitalistic race for the competition beautifully. That doesn't go on forever like this.

And again, where was this turnoff? It rustles in the bushes. Hmmm, that scent shows me the way, doesn't it?

In short: If you like Fille-en-Aiguilles or Woody Mood, or nature-not-nature scents, you should try this one. Fruit phobia or not.
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4 short views on the fragrance
ElkayElkay 2 years ago
If I could only pick 1 fragrance for life, it would be this one. I'm picking berries in the forest but something mysterious is in the air...
DuskDusk 3 years ago
Boozy blackcurrant in a pine forest with light spice and elegant aldehydes. More resinous after a few hours. Great winter scent, unisex.
BoBoChampBoBoChamp 3 years ago
After a boozy, yet spicy fruity-green opening, this juicy fruity-sweet Gourmand, slowly settles to a warm and earthy resinous-woody base.
CumhranfearCumhranfear 4 years ago
On first wearing, in warm weather, this smells not much different to the UK drink Ribena.


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Lily Roux

Hello! I'm Lily Roux, a passionate perfumer with over 20 years of experience crafting unique scents. I specialize in creating personalized perfume impressions tailored to your desires. This site is where I'll be sharing my love for perfumes and everything fascinating about them. Welcome aboard, and let's embark on a fragrant journey together!


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